screenshot of Dev Fit Logistical Gym Tracker Homepage
Dev Fit Logistical Gym Tracker App

This is a gym tracker app which allows clients to create accounts, log in with existing accounts, see trainer information, and view and join classes. It also allows trainers to add or remove their own classes. Managers on this app are able to view a list of trainers employed by the gym, pull up an individual trainer's information, terminate a trainer's employment by removing that trainer from the database, or hire a new trainer by adding his/her information into the database. A manager can also view all classes available at the gym for the week, view class rosters, and add/remove members from class rosters..

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Screenshot of Hiker Helper
Hiker Helper App

Hiker-Helper provides a quick and easy hub for all your hiking needs. It checks for weather conditions, provides difficulty ratings, and even gives you a map of the trail you're looking for.

Deployed App Github Repository

Screenshot of Note Taker Homepage
Note Taker App

This is an application designed to allow busy people to take and keep track of notes to help organize thoughts and plans. The user will be able to write, save, and delete notes. They will be able to come back and view previously created notes.

Deployed App GitHub Repository
Weather Dashboard Screenshot
Weather Dashboard

This app allows users to see the weather outlook for multiple cities and plan a trip accordingly. When searching for a city, the user is presented with current and future conditions for that city and that city is added to the search history. The user can also go back and view the weather for previously searched cities.

Deployed App GitHub Repository